Chapter 1 : Section 4
Cross Reporting
The Department shall cross report to other jurisdictions if it is determined that the information received does not meet criteria for a Report in Arizona, but a child living in another jurisdiction may be at risk of abuse or neglect.
The Department shall provide information to the appropriate law enforcement agency when information received does not meet the criteria for a Report, but there is reason to believe a felony criminal offense may have been committed. This information shall be reported to law enforcement even if the identity and/ or current location of the victim or person suspected of the abuse or neglect is not known.
In addition, when information is received regarding maltreatment of a vulnerable adult or of a child in child care or behavioral health facilities, the Department shall cross report to the respective authority for these facilities.
Cross Reporting to Other Child Protection Agencies
When the Intake Unit determines that the information received does not meet criteria for a Report, but that a child living in another jurisdiction may be at risk of abuse or neglect, the Intake Specialist:
cross reports to the child protection agency in the other jurisdiction, unless the agency is outside of the United States;
provides all available information regarding the possible abuse or neglect; and
enters as a Screened Out Intake, including a notation as to which child protection agency was notified and the name of the individual who accepted the cross report.
Cross Reporting to Law Enforcement
When information received by the Intake Unit does not meet criteria for a Report, but there is reason to believe a felony criminal offense of abuse or neglect against a child may have occurred, the Intake Specialist:
informs the reporting source of the need to cross report and encourages the source to call law enforcement;
contacts the law enforcement agency where the crime took place, provides the information and a copy of the written communication if requested by law enforcement; and
enters as a Screened Out Intake; including a notation as to which law enforcement agency was contacted, the name of the individual that accepted the cross report, and the law enforcement incident or report number if available.
Cross Reporting Sex-Trafficking Victims
When information received by the Intake Unit does not meet criteria for a Report, but there is reason to believe that a child was the victim of sex-trafficking, the Intake Specialist shall:
cross report to law enforcement; and
send notification to AHCCCS using the Sex Trafficking Cross-Report template.
DES Certified Child Care Homes and Licensed Facilities
Information received about a facility licensed by the Department of Economic Security (DES), that does not meet Report criteria, and does not involve children in the care, custody or control of the Department, is documented as a Screened Out Intake, and cross reported to DES using the DES AZCCRR Complaint Form.
DHS Licensed Child Care Homes/Facilities and Locked Behavioral Health Facilities
Information received about abuse, neglect, or licensing violations regarding a child placed in a Department of Health Services licensed home or facility shall be cross reported to both DHS and AHCCCS. If the concern also involves a child in the custody of DCS, and there are new allegations of abuse or neglect, the Intake Specialist also enters a Report. If there are no new allegations of abuse or neglect, the information should be taken as a Status Communication.
DHS cross reports shall be submitted through DHS’s Licensing Services Online Complaint Forms.
AHCCCS cross reports shall be submitted using the AHCCCS Online Complaint Form.

A.R.S. § 8-455. Centralized intake hotline; purposes; report of possible crime; report for investigation; risk assessment tools; access to information; public awareness; definition
A.R.S. § 13-3212. Child sex trafficking; classification; increased punishment; definition
A.A.C. R21-3-203. Disposition of Communications